When Eddie Murphy reads a script, something different must happen in his head to what goes on in everyone else’s. Indeed is someone told you this trailer was actually a spoof taking the piss out of dumb Hollywood movies, you’d probably believe it. In the film Jack McCall (Murphy) is a fast-talking literary agent who can close any deal, any time, any way. He has set his sights on New Age guru Dr. Sinja for his own selfish purposes. But Dr. Sinja is on to him, and Jack’s life comes unglued after a magical Bodhi tree mysteriously appears in his backyard. With every word Jack speaks, a leaf falls from the tree and he realizes that when the last leaf falls, both he and the tree are toast. Words have never failed Jack McCall, but now he’s got to stop talking and conjure up some outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. And yes, that premise is as stupid as it sounds. A Thousand Words is due in cinemas next March.
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