Until last week the cast of the magician comedy Burt Wonderstone consisted of just Steve Carell, but a few days ago Jim Carrey came onboard and since then the other roles have been filling up fast, with THR reporting that Olivia Wilde and Steve Buscemi are both in talks for the movie, while Variety adds James Gandolfini has signed up.
The film centres on Steve Carell’s title character, a popular Las Vegas magician who gets upstaged by a hip new street performer (Carrey) with a penchant for dangerous tricks. Wonderstone then goes on a journey of self-discovery to reclaim his love of magic. Wilde is in talks to play Carell’s love interest (only a 22-year age difference there, but Hollywood has never had a problem with middle-aged men and young ladies), while Buscemi is set play Carell’s longtime friend and on-stage partner who quits the act after getting injured. Gandolfini meanwhile will be the owner of the casino where Carell’s character performs.
Sarah Silverman was also in contention for the love-interest role, but it appears they’ve decided on Wilde. Don Scardino will direct, with shooting set to begin in January.
General movie news courtesy of Movie Muser
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