After the success of the Transformers franchise, it appears Hasbro feels the best way to ensure box office success is to explode everything you can (working with Michael Bay will have that effect on you). It certainly seems to be the logic in Battleship, as there’s a ridiculous amount of things blowing up and even the sound effects in this trailer are deliberately reminiscent of Tranformers. It’s looks fun though!
Certified hotties Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard and Liam Neeson star in the film, which sees a fleet of ships being forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in order to discover and thwart their destructive goals. Universal is hoping it’ll be huge at the box office next summer. Watch the trailer and see what you think, and we’ve got a brand new poster for the movie below. The film hits the UK April 20th.
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