It’s just a few short weeks until John Carter hits cinemas on March 9th, and now a short but fairly informative featurette has popped up online to give us a bit of an intro to the movie for those who aren’t clued into Edgar Rice Burrough’s classic characters. It certainly looks like filmmakering on a massive scale, but whether Andrew Stanton has managed to make this year’s first true blockbuster is yet to be seen.
Here’s the synopsis: ‘John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. John Carter – the newest movie from Academy Award®–winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton is an action adventure story set on Barsoom, the exotic and mysterious planet we know as Mars. Based on the classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of Tarzan, John Carter is the story which inspired many of the most imaginative and well known Hollywood movies, past and present. Next year will mark the 100th anniversary of the John Carter character, first created in the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel.’
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