Ridley Scott has been incredibly tight-lipped about Prometheus, revealing as little about the movie a humanly possible. A couple of days ago he did say the only link to Alien was Peter Weyland, creator of the cybernetic beings that would eventually lead to Ash and Bishop, even though the trailers we’ve had have shown there are far more links to Alien than that.
Now a viral has shown up online, which features Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland, giving a very interesting talk. He gives us our first proper clues as to why the film is called Prometheus and suggests that the idea of technology making man be like a god will be at the heart of the movie. Does it mean that by the end of the film, it will be people who’ve created the aliens? We’ll have to wait and see when the film is released on June 1st, but for now watch the viral and start to speculate!
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