For a couple of years now David Fincher has been attached to a remake of Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, however a mixture of changes at the top of the studio, and Disney being a bit gun-shy of massive budget films after John Carter means they’ve been reluctant to give it the greenlight.
It doesn’t help either that while Fincher is renowned as one of the best filmmakers around, his box office record has been patchy, with the likes the likes of Benjamin Button and Girl With The Dragon Tattoo not living up to expectations in terms of cash.
Variety reports that the film is currently on a three-month hold while the studio waits for Steven Zaillian’s latest version of the script. Fincher is also hoping some a-list talent might help get things moving, and he’s currently
tyring to get frequent collaborator Brad Pitt to agree to play the harpoonist Ned Lands in this Jules Verne adaptation. Kirk Douglas played the role in the 1954 film. It’s not clear how interested Pitt might be.
An older A-list actor is being sought for the title role of Captain Nemo, although there’s no news on who they’re looking at.
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