One of the few movies I’ve always thought it would actually be worth giving a 3D coversion to is Jurassic Park, and Universal Pictures obviously feels the same way, as they’re busy adding an extra dimension to the movie, ahead of a 20th Anniversary 3D release next year.
Now they’ve unleashed the first poster for the conversion, which takes a classic image and makes it look a little more modern. We’ve also been promised that the trailer for the re-release should be coming very soon, but while we wait for that we have the poster.
The dinosaurs will be getting their 3D outing in cinemas starting April 5th, 2013. While convertind many films seems pointless, Jurassic Park could be one of the few that’s made even more exciting by the process. We’ll have to wait and see whether it works, it’s certainly going to be worth a look.
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