Featuring Eva Longoria and Billy Bob Thornton, The Baytown Outlaws follows follows the Oodies, a trio of redneck hillbilly brothers whose main source of fun – and only source of employment – is illegally enforcing several unwritten laws on behalf of the local corrupt sheriff. When their latest job goes disastrously wrong and ends in a massacre at the wrong address, the brothers are approached by Celeste (Longoria), a witness to the mayhem, with a proposal. She’s willing to pay them $25,000 for the safe return of her godson, who has been kidnapped by her ex-husband (Thornton).
What she fails to tell them is that the man in question is a ruthless mobster who believes Celeste is dead, having previously arranged for one of his goons to pump her full of lead.
Unsurprisingly, what should be a simple rescue mission soon turns into a southern fried battle royale of epic proportions as the brothers fall foul of a seemingly endless parade of psychopaths and miscreants who want them dead, ranging from a gang of crazy-ass biker chicks and a pack of ruthless road warriors to Federal agents, crooked cops and some very angry Native Americans. The movie hits DVD & Blu-Ray in the UK on 26th December 2012.
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