A few years ago, George Miller was planning a Justice League movie that would feature Batman and Superman, but would feature completely different actors in those roles than in the stand-alone films, with a separate continuity. When Warner Bros announced a few months back they were resurrecting the idea of a Justice League film, it wasn’t clear if this would tie into Man Of Steel and Nolan’s Batman film or not.
Now it seems they might, as talking to the New York Post, Man Of Steel director Zack Snyder says about Justice League, “They trust me to keep them on course” for that film. That may be talking in the vaguest of terms, but it’s a long way from a few months ago, when he said, “What they’ll do with Justice League will be its own thing with its own Batman and own Superman.”
Although he doesn’t confirm anything, it does suggest Cavill may now be playing Superman in both Man Of Steel and Justice League – something Warner could easily do as they signed Cavill to a multi-film deal when he agreed to the role.
But what about Batman? Well, the idea of Christian Bale coming back is very, very unlikely, but what about Joseph Gordon Levitt, who after Dark Knight Rises could easily don the cowl? According to Hitfix, that’s the current thinking at Warner Bros. Hitfix says JGL is already set for Justice League (although it may not be as definite as they suggest), and could even pop up in Man Of Steel, with Warner/DC essentially starting to build their own Marvel style cross-over universe. We’ll have to wait and see though.
The Avengers has certainly shaken up the superhero world, with everyone else now racing to build their own connected universe. Even Fox is trying to find continuity by hiring Mark Millar to oversee the properties it owns, such as X-Men and Fantastic Four.
Justice League is currently planned for release in 2015.
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