It’s time to Vanity Fair’s 19th Hollywood Portfolio, where they get the great and the good of Hollywood to turn up and pose. Being included has become an increasingly important status symbol in recent years, meaning that 75 stars have allowed famed gay photographer Bruce Weber to snap them for the magazine.
You can see the cute cover, featuring Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper & Emma Stone above, and we’ve got a selection of the other images, which were featured on the Vanity Fair website, below. This year’s portfolio is subtitled, “Bruce Weber’s Adventures in Hollywood,” an ode to the city’s warmer side.
And from the evidence above and below, it’s gonna look good.
Click on the pics below to enlarge.
- Vanity Fair Hollywood cover 2013
- Armie Hammer
- Halle Berry
- Jonah Hill
- Eddie Redmayne & Bella Heathcote
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