Jeremy Strong had a pretty good 2012, scoring roles in Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty as well as the upcoming Robot & Frank. He’s continuing that run by booking a part as one of history’s most infamous killers, JFK’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, according to Variety.
Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton, Jacki Weaver, Zac Efron and Marcia Gay Harden are already set for the movie, which is based on the book Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, by renowned author and former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi. The screenplay comes from Peter Landesman, who will also make make his directorial debut with Parkland.
The film recounts the dramatic true story of the chaotic events that occurred at Parkland Hospital in Dallas on the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd 1963. JFK was taken to the hospital, where they worked on him for some time, hoping to save his life, even though it was hopeless.
The film will presumably also look at the assassination itself, as Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t get to Parkland that day. He had to wait to go to the same hospital until November 24th, when he was shot by Jack Ruby. He died at Parkland during surgery (Ruby also died at the hospital four years later).
The film, to be shot in Austin, Texas is destined for a 2013 US theatrical release around the 50th anniversary of the assassination.
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