Previous Supermans (which I presume is the correct plural) have been very good looking, but Henry Cavill may be the first to really ooze sex appeal. Indeed part of the character in earlier movies is that he’s so clean-cut and good that he’s virtually neutered. However Cavill’s Clark Kent is a bit rougher and as in the image above, a bit more of a come hither look.
The pic has been released to support Kellogg’s new US tie-in promotion where they’re promising to give away Superman’s power – not literally, just things approximating them, such as flights, fast cars and a personal trainer.
We’re also currently waiting for something to happen on the Man Of Steel website, which is currently covered in static. Many have suggested it’s part of the preparations for the launch of a new trailer (possibly coming tomorrow to tie in with the MTV Movie Awards), but we’ll have to wait and see.
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