Director Tarsem Singh was averaging one film ever six years with The Cell and The Fall, but he’s speeded up his output considerably, as Immortals and Mirror Mirror were released within eight months of one another in 2011 and 2012.
Now he’s planning a new movie, as Deadline reports that Tarsem and actor Ryan Reynolds are in talks for the thriller Selfless. Based on an script by Alex and David Pastor (who wrote and directed the 2009 horror Carriers), the film is about a wealthy old man who pays to have his mind transplanted into a younger body after he realises that is dying. In a very bad turn of luck, he soon realises that the body he’s taken over is a man murder victim, and the body’s killers aren’t happy to see him walking around again. The hero is then forced to go on the run and work out who’s trying to kill him.
Neither Tarsem nor Reynolds is confirmed as yet, but they could make a pretty good pairing if the film does go ahead.
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