Earlier today, rumours emerged that Clint Eastwood may be thinking about replacing Steven Spielberg as the director of American Sniper, with THR reporting that Clint is indeed in talks for the movie, which has Bradley Cooper attached to write and direct.
Spielberg left earlier this month as he and the studio couldn’t come to agreement on a budget that he felt would do justice to the story he wanted to tell. Clint on the other hand is famed for sticking to fairly low budgets.
The action movie is based on the autobiography of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, a Texas native who racked up the most confirmed sniper kills of anyone in US military history. Tragically though, he was killed by a fellow veteran at a shooting range last February (it’s not clear if that will be included in the movie).
Filming had tentatively been scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2014, but they may change if Clint signs on, as he’s currently gearing up to shoot the musical Jersey Boys. He does work quickly, so it is possible he can fit in a shoot for American Sniper early next year too.
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