Empire has gone slightly Thor: The Dark World crazy, with four different covers for the film with their new issue. They’ve also a slew on new pics from the film, showing off the world of Asgard, along with the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Stellan Skarsgard, Idris Elba, Jaimie Alexander and loads more.
It’s also our best look yet at Christopher Eccleston under a load of make-up as the evil Malekit, as well as his minions.
And don’t expect everyone to survive this film, as director Alan Taylor has revealed,”You know, we are killing Asgardians in this movie. It turns out immortality isn’t all that it was cracked up to be.”
Hopefully that isn’t the reason Loki isn’t in The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, as there will be a lot of angry fans if it is.
Producer Craig Kyle also spoke about how the events of Thor lead into Thor: The Dark World. “When the Bifrost was broken at the end of the first film, Odin had to conjure a lot of dark energy and go through a lot of personal sacrifice to try and get his son back to Earth,” he says. “And it was a one-shot deal. If Thor didn’t succeed, without the Tesseract he couldn’t have got back again. And in our film, finally the Bifrost has been rebuilt, but during that time, when the cops were largely cut off from the rest of the universe, you had miscreants that came in from outside the Nine Realms, pillaging and destroying and causing havoc. So that’s what our guys have been doing now – trying to put all these fires out across the Nine Realms.”
Thor: The Dark World is out November 8th, 2013.
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