Robert Redford has stepped up to say he supports gay marriage and wants it to be legal in Utah, where he holds his annual Sundance Film Festival. That may be an uphill battle, as it’s the stronghold of the Mormon Church, which may not be as rabidly anti-gay as it once was, but still isn’t a fan of anything homosexual.
At at an event for Equality Utah, the state’s largest LGBT advocacy group, he said, “I’m here for the same reason you are – equal rights for all. Like you, I believe there’s no place in our world for discrimination. None.”
“I think it is un-American’ he added. “If we change discriminatory laws in Utah, it sets a benchmark for people in other states; it allows people to see what can be done… Utah is changing. There are good people in Utah. More people want to change the discriminatory laws than want to keep them. People should be able to marry whomever they love.’
It’s good to know the Butch Cassidy star is on out side, even if we’re not likely to see gay marriage in Utah for a few years yet. (Source: GayStarNews)
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