After the tragic death of Paul Walker, it was quickly announced that Fast & Furious 7 would be delayed, although there were conflicting reports over whether the film would restart from scratch and remove Walker’s character, or if they would find some way to incorporate him, even though he hadn’t completed his scenes.
Now THR reports that Walker will indeed be in the movie, although there are no specific details on how this will be achieved.
Vin Diesel has also confirmed a new release date, saying that rather than a July 2014 release, it will be coming out April 10th, 2015, giving the movie time for rewrites and for the final scenes to be completed.
Diesel wrote on Facebook: “The last scene we filmed together…There was a unique sense of completion, of pride we shared… in the film we were now completing… the magic captured… and, in just how far we’ve come… Fast and Furious 7 will be released… April 10th 2015! P.s. He’d want you to know first…”
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