Things aren’t going well in Australia in The Rover, as the country has suffered a massive financial crisis that sent many heading for desert mines in the hope of finding their fortune.
Guy Pearce stars as Eric, a drifter living outside normal society. When his car is stolen by a gang of thugs, he enlists the help of Reynolds (Robert Pattinson), a gang member who was abandoned during the chaos.
Now a new trailer for the movie has arrived.
Director David Michod previously commented, “It’s like a new gold rush. Where people from all corners of the world have come out to the desert to scrape out an existence. Petty criminals and miscreants and hustlers. The basic story is really quite elemental. You’ve got a really dark, dangerous, murderous person in Guy’s character, and in Rob’s character you have a quite troubled and damaged, but beautiful and naïve, soul.”
The movie should hit cinemas later this year.
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