A couple of weeks ago it was revealed that Paul Walker’s brothers, Caleb and Cody, has agreed to head to the Fast & Furious 7 set to help finish the movie in the wake of their sibling’s tragic death.
Now Vine Diesel has shared a pic of the brothers on the set, while they were there to help complete sequences Paul was unable to finish, and which have since been rewritten to account for the fact he’s not there (although CG and stand-ins will be needed for certain shots).
Along with the pic, Diesel writes: ‘When I heard the news, I left the production, grabbed a plane and took my family and Michelle back to LA… drove directly to his parent’s house…
‘His Father said, Paul loved you Vin… I awkwardly and nervously said, aw come on… then he said… you don’t have to get along every second to love each other… so true.
‘P.s. After spending time with his biological brothers, I must say to the parents, you raised some great kids.’
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