Benjamin Walker in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
With Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter it seemed like Benjamin Walker might be poised to break out as a big star, but it hasn’t quite worked out that way. However he’s now got a new role, taking the lead in the thriller 2:22 opposite Theresa Palmer, according to Variety.
Walker is set to play ‘a man whose life is derailed when an ominous pattern of events repeats itself in exactly the same manner every day, ending at precisely 2:22 p.m. He falls for a beautiful woman whose life is threatened by these strange events, forcing him to solve the mystery of 2:22.’
The film will be sold at Cannes and presuming that goes well, it’s set to start shooting in Australia in October.
Walker has another big movie coming up, as he takes a major role in Ron Howard’s Heart Of The Sea, about the events which inspired Moby Dick.
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