You can never be 100% certain what Joaquin Phoenix will do next, and I doubt many people would have put a bet on the fact he’d lend his name to a documentary about LGBT teens heading off to a summer camp. However he’s comes onboard Camp: The Documentary, which is now looking for funding on IndieGoGo.
The campaign says, ‘In the simplest form, we are having a unique camp this summer, July 13 through July 19, during which we will be transforming the lives of 20 diverse teenagers from across the country. We want to film this journey as a documentary so that we can provide everyone with the same tools as these teens. It is our goal to continue to connect with mainstream media providing content that is thought provoking, igniting larger conversations around the issues that often divide communities.’
Joaquin is involved as the camp and the documentary is a product of The River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding and Be More Heroic, with the hope the teens will engage in experiential workshops, resolve personal conflict, forms lasting friendships and become confident and compassionate leaders.
To get the camp and doc going, they’re hoping to raise $40,000 via IndieGoGo, so take a look at the video above, and if you want to help out, head over to IndieGoGo.
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