There has been a lot of comment about how Michael Bay films the few female characters allowed into his movies in a way that makes even the least socially aware person suddenly realise what the term ‘objectification of women’ means.
What isn’t mentioned quite as often is that there’s also at least one moment in any Bay movies where gay people will start cringing due to a joke where ‘homos’ are the punchlines, and which like the way he treats women, reveals a very old-fashioned attitude to what it means to be a ‘man’ and what masculinity is. Yet there’s still a fascination with, probably due to the fact he loves bromances, even if Bay is now the king of ‘no homo’.
To show just how Bay’s attitude to gay people works (and with Transformers: Age Of Extinction opening), Gawker has come up with a rather fascinating supercut of gay jokes from a variety of the director’s movies, which shows just how cheap, casual and rather unpleasant his film’s attitude towards homosexuality is, whether it’s the world’s most stereotypically gay stylist in The Rock (which really does come across like a gay minstrel show), or Mark Wahlberg making sure there are ‘no homos’ amongst a group of kids in Pain & Gain.
Take a look below.
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