I sometimes think we should just change the name of this site to the ‘What Is James Franco Up To? Blog’, as he’s so keen on everything gay that it sometimes feels like we’re keeping a minute-by-minute log of his exploits.
However now he’s done something else that’s worth sharing, as the very busy man has shared the first image from Michael, in which he plays a man who went from being on the frontlines of the fight for gay rights to becoming a prominent ex-gay activist.
Franco will be Michael Glatze, who started out as a young gay man who was passionate about helping LGBT youth, including marching in gay rights rallies and urging young people to celebrate their non-traditional sexualities. He also launched the magazine Young Gay America after working at XY, becoming a leading voice in the gay rights fight.
However in 2004 he had a health scare involving a possible heart defect, which caused him to turn to conservative Christianity. Shortly afterwards he completely renounced everything he had previously stood for and said that he was now ‘ex-gay’. The 38-year-old is currently married to a woman.
Zachary Quinto and Chris Zylka also star as Glatze’s former lovers, with Emma Roberts as his girlfriend.
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