A few months ago Oliver Stone stayed true to form and announced he wanted to make a movie about whistleblower Edward Snowden. Now the movie may have found its star, as Joseph Gordon-Levitt is circling the movie according to Deadline.
The movie is being pitched as a thriller, chronicling how Snowden went from being employed as an NSA contractor to deciding he should start leaking classified documents to Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald in 2013. The revelation ended with some lauding Snowden as a hero who unveiled government cover-ups and overreaching, while others see him as a traitor. He’s currently still in limbo in Russia.
Stone unsurprisingly is in the former camp. The director hopes to start shooting in December in Germany, from a script based on the book, Time Of The Octopus, by Snowden’s Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena, and Guardian journalist Luke Hardin’s The Snowden Files: The Inside Story Of The World’s Most Wanted Man.
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