Sony is hoping that this Christmas audiences will be in the mood for a classic musical with a modern twist when they unleash their new version of Annie. Now we get to take a fresh look with the international and domestic posters for the movie, which mix a classic look with the new cast.
The music has been given a bit of an update under the eye of Jay-Z and Will Smith, although Annie will still be wondering whether the sun will come out tomorrow and having a hard luck life.
The plot also remains the same, with orphan Annie (Quvenzhane Wallis) living in the foul orphanage run by Miss Hannigan (Cameron Diaz). She’s then taken in by the filthy rich Benjamin Stacks (Jamie Foxx). In this version he’s running for office and initially just wants Annie so the press will see him being nice to an orphan. However he soon falls for the plucky youngster’s charms. But then Annie’s real parents are found, or are they?
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