After the third Transformers movie, Michael Bay said he was done directing the franchise. However, then Paramount promised to fund his passion project, Pain & Gain, if he came back for a fourth outing. But according to Bay, that was definitely it.
Now things have changed again, as a couple of months ago he entered talk to direct the fifth instalment, and now he’s confirmed he’s taken the gig. He told Rolling Stone, “I’m doing Transformers … 5, is it?…Transformers, I still have a great time. It’s fun to do a movie that 100 million people will see. But this is the last one. I have to pass the reins to someone else.”
When reminded that he’s said that before, he replied. “I know. J.J. [Abrams] told me, ‘You’re the only guy that could do this.’ But it’s time to move on. One more.”
We’ll have to see whether he sticks to his word (and to be honest there are quite a few people who’d like him to step aside and give someone else a chance to see whether they can bring something a bit different to the franchise). Mark Wahlberg is also expected to return, with a 2017 release planned.
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