While Nash Grier has gained a lot of fans (as Towleroad points out he has 2.4 Vine followers, 5.25 million Twitter followers and 4.6 million Youtube subscribers), it looked like his career as an internet star was in danger of coming crashing down around him after an old video of him using the word ‘fag’ in a particularly obnoxious way resurfaced.
He quickly apologised and made a few efforts to atone, such as posing for a NoH8 phot. Many of his fans soon forgot, despite numerous other problematic things that have spouted from his mouth, suggesting he hasn’t really thought about what he’s doing at all, and only care when someone calls him out on it.
One person who’s certainly not ready to give him a free pass is Modern Family star Ariel Winter, who seems to have initially started thinking about Nash last weekend due to the emergence of the hastag #FavNashVid. She wrote on Twitter: ‘#FavNashVid that one time when he was just super homophobic and ignorant? #whydoyouhavefans.’
She then posted a longer note explaining why she doesn’t think we should just overlook Grier’s indiscretions:
In response to @Nashgrier from my last post… pic.twitter.com/aV8bRYYOa1
— Ariel Winter (@arielwinter1) January 10, 2016
Nash then apparently tried to reach out to her to take the conversation offline, but she apparently wasn’t interested:
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