Indeed, it’s a shot with a bit of something for everyone, with Bass there for those who like a little more meat on the bone, Johnson representing those who are a little older and/or love bodybuilding, while Efron’s there for fans of ridiculous definition and some light chest fur.
Johnson, who almost seems to be the movie’s official publicist, posted the pic on his Instagram, along with the message, ‘Boys of #BAYWATCH are some bad ass dudes. We have a lot of cool things in our movie. Rated R comedy, hard core action, beautiful ass kicking women, the unforgiving and majestic ocean, Zac’s 17 pack abs, and most important our #1 secret weapon… @thejonbass.
‘Underneath this layer of oiled up sex god is an extremely talented dude, 100% comfortable in his own skin and truthfully, Jon Bass just may wind up being my absolute favorite part of our movie.
We are the boys of #BAYWATCH. And we are some bad muthaf*ckas. #Zacs17PackAbs #JonsBadAssery #AndMyAbilityToBounceCantaloupesOffMyPecs #BAYWATCH MAY 19th, 2017.’
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