Now it seems star/producer has decided who he wants replace the departed Bayona, and he’s aiming high, as his Se7en, Fight Club and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button director David Fincher is in talks for the role. It would be surprising if Fincher does sign on, not least because it’s known he’s wary of sequels, partly because of his experience making Alien3, which ended with him being locked out of the editing room.
However, it seems that talks that were initially lukewarm are now heating up, according to Variety. Fincher’s interest may be due to the fact it’s known he’s interested in making a big, blockbuster type movie, but previous summer tentpole-style projects he’s been attached to have never made out of the starting gate (such as the version of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea he was long attached to).
If he does sign on, he’ll be taking Pitt back to a world where zombies are running riot, and the few human survivors are struggling to survive and maintain some semblance on civilisation. The movie was originally supposed to be in cinemas June 2017, but it’s expected to be delayed.
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