However, things may have become more likely, as talking to Pridesource, Megan Mullally has said, “Well, OK. All I can say is that there is a very good chance that that might happen. It’s not happening right this second. I mean, we’re not rehearsing or anything like that. But there is a very good chance that something is going to materialise. But can’t really talk about it or say anything, because you know how it is.”
That makes it sound like a ‘yes’, except she’s not allowed to say that.
She also lets us know what form it might take, adding, “So speaking theoretically, in a completely made-up world where Will & Grace is coming back to NBC for 10 episodes – just in that made-up world – it couldn’t be a better time. I mean, it couldn’t possibly be better timing. I think more so now than even when we started! And who would have ever – I mean, it’s heinous that it’s because Donald Trump is the president-elect. That’s just a crazy sentence that nobody would have ever thought they’d utter. But having said that, at the same time, that just gives us carte blanche”.
That certainly suggests she thinks it’s more than theoretical, but until there’s an official announcement, it’s a case of ‘watch this space’.
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