It’s almost two years since I Am Michael premiered at the Sundance Film Festival – enough time for director Justin Kelly and producer/star James Franco to have made and released another movie, King Cobra. However, it’s only now that the movie is coming to VoD and a few cinemas in the US in January.
Even the promised threeway between Franco, Zachary Quinto and Charlie Carver couldn’t get it released sooner.
Adapted from Benoit Denizet-Lewis’ New York Times Magazine article ‘My Ex-Gay Friend, I Am Michael tells the real-life story of Michael Glatze (Franco), formerly a leading US journalist for prominent gay magazine XY, and also an activist working for LGBT rights. After a profound and life-changing epiphany, Glatze gradually renounced his homosexuality and turned to Christian ministry, becoming outspokenly opposed to queer lifestyles.
Zachary Quinto plays his ex-boyfriend, Bennett, with Emma Roberts, Daryl Hannah and Charlie Carver also starring.
The film got a rather mixed reaction at cinemas, which perhaps isn’t surprising for a movie that takes on the difficult subject of ex-gay ministry, and makes its ‘hero’ a man who went from gay to outspoken homophobe, and who to this day is married to a woman.
Finally a trailer has been released. Take a look below.
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