When asked about why he doesn’t talk about his private life in the same way he was when he was a young, up and coming actor, he says, “I try to keep my personal life and my private life separate. Not for any reason other than there’s a clue in the title – it’s private. As an actor you have to keep some sort of enigma and mystery. There’s a dignity to keeping private. I’m trying to keep a bit of dignity to my private life and to protect the people in my life… It’s the choice I’ve made.”
Although that sounds like he’s trying to shut down any discussion of his sexuality, when asked about whether he thinks Hollywood is ready for a gay action hero, he says, “That question is difficult to answer. I don’t know how ‘Hollywood’ as you call it, thinks. I don’t think about it. I don’t feel they’re connected. Talent, success, what you do in your personal life – I don’t see how one should have an effect on the other. I don’t think I’d be in this business if I felt that I was not being employed because of who I am in my personal life.”
Although some still take issue with Evan’s half-in, half-out stance, it has allowed him to become one of the few actors who are known to be gay, who isn’t labelled as such and who gets major Hollywood action roles. However, what’s more difficult to answer, is whether his success in such roles is as a result of the semi-closet he’s been living in.
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