London-based writer/ director Mikko Makela is attending a number of special Q&A summer screenings in UK cinemas for his new Finnish gay drama, A Moment In The Reeds, starring Janne Puustinen (Tom of Finland), Boodi Kabbani and Mika Melender. Having been studying in Paris, Leevi (Janne Puustinen) returns home to Finland for the summer where he helps his father renovate their summer house in the city. An extra pair of hands is required so Tareq (Boodi Kabbani), a Syrian asylum seeker is hired. However, when Leevi’s father head back to the city, the two boys develop a closer friendship that offers a summer of love.
Recently seen acting in John Cameron Mitchell’s How To Talk To Girls At Parties, Mikko Makela has worked on The Coven and Fallen Soldiers. With echoes of God’s Own Country, A Moment In The Reed places the long marginalized voices of sexual ethnic minorities centre-stage in this intensely heartfelt drama about the search for freedom, acceptance and a place to call home. A popular hit on the festival circuit it was nominated for outstanding feature at this year’s Frameline San Francisco International LGBTQ Festival.
The national screenings including Q&As are:
20 August – FACT Liverpool
29 August – Picturehouse Central
6 September – Picturehouse Cambridge
30 September – Broadway, Nottingham
A Moment In The Reeds is released on DVD/VoD in the UK on October 15th. Take a look at the trailer below.
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