Reinventing Marvin comes with a great pedigree, including a casting featuring the wonderful Isabelle Huppert (Elle, 8 Women), and winning the Queer Palm at the Venice Film Festival. Now a new trailer has arrived ahead of its UK release.
Here’s the synopsis: ‘Reinventing Marvin tells the true story of Marvin Bijou (rising star Finnegan Oldfield), a young boy from a working-class family in a small village, suffers constant bullying at school and home for being ‘different’ – too sensitive and too feminine. A chance encounter with a drama teacher opens the doors to a world that offers him the chance to escape his situation.
‘Following Marvin into his mid-twenties as a theatre student in Paris, Fontaine presents a richly layered tale about identity building and transformation. With an exquisite cameo from Isabelle Huppert and great performances from the reliably excellent Vincent Macaigne and Charles Berling, Reinventing Marvin packs a powerful punch.’
The movie will arrive in UK cinemas on September 14th. Take a look at the trailer below.
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