Back in June it was revealed that director Darren Aronofsky wanted Christian Bale to star in his Biblical epic Noah, although since then we haven’t heard much more about casting on the movie. However, now Deadline reports that Christian Bale has passed on the movie, while Variety adds that Michael Fassbender is being eyed to star.
It seems Fassbender hasn’t officially been offered the role yet, although he has discussed the project with Darren Aronofsky. A space has opened up in Fassbender’s diary as while he was in talks to star in Londongrad, that project has been severely delayed, due to director Rupert Wyatt having to concentrate on another Planet of The Apes movie before he can shoot anything else.
With financing now in place, the plan is to start shooting Noah next Spring, although they’ll need to get the title character cast well before then.
General movie news courtesy of Movie Muser