Synopsis: ‘John Krasinski’s big-hearted family comedy takes a touching look at the ties that bind. Krasinski plays John Hollar, a frustrated graphic novelist anxiously awaiting the birth of his baby with girlfriend, Rebecca (Anna Kendrick). When his mother, Sally (Margo Martindale), is diagnosed with a brain tumor, John flies back home, where denial runs deep in the family tree. While his loving but fractured family pulls together to prepare Sally for surgery, John takes a second look at the life he left behind.’
The movie is Krasinksi’s sophomore directorial effort following his 2009 adaptation of David Foster Wallace‘s Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. He also co-wrote The Promised Land, although Gus Van Sant directed that one.
The film will be in US cinemas on August 26th. Take a look at the trailer below. [Read more…]