Loosely based on the classic pregnancy helpbook (although God knows why they’re making movies now based on self help books), What To Expect When You’re Expecting is the sort of film that’s most likely to appeal to women, but they’re making a bid to get men interested with this latest trailers, which concentrates on the dads dealing with parenthood. The film follows several couples through the dubious joys of pregnancy. Elizabeth Banks, Cameron Diaz, Joennifer Lopez, Anna Kendrick, Dennis Quaid, Chris Rock, Chace Crawford, Rodrigo Santoro and more star. The film is due out in May.
Sullivan Stapleton Takes 300: Battle Of Artemisia Lead
Although 300: Battle Of Artemesia is a prequel to the Gerard Butler starring hit, it follows different characters and so a whole new cast is needed. Now one piece of that puzzle has fallen into place, as Variety reports that Animal Kingdom star, Sullivan Stapleton is in final talks for a leading role in 300: Battle of Artemisia.
It isn’t known exactly what character Sullivan Stapleton will portray in 300: Battle of Artemisia, as there’s some confusion over whether it’ll be Xerxes or Themistocles, with most of the latest reports pointing to the latter. It would make sense for Rodrigo Santoro to return to play Xerxes (he’s apparently been in talks), as he’s one of the few characters who appears in both movies, with Battle Of Artemisia looking at his rivalry with Themistocles and quest for godhood.
A while ago, fellow Animal Kingdom star Joel Edgerton was in talks to star in 300: Battle of Artemisia, probably for the same role that Stapleton’s now taken, although he dropped out to join Kathryn Bigelow’s untitles hunt Osama Bin Laden project. Back in December Eva Green was in talks to portray Artemisia, but it isn’t known if that deal was ever finalized.
Noam Murro is directing 300: Battle of Artemisia from a screenplay by 300 co-writers Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad. It isn’t known when production will begin on 300: Battle of Artemisia.
I Love You Phillip Morris (DVD)

Director: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Running Time: 93 mins
Certificate: 15
Release Date: August 2nd, 2010

It took quite a long time for I Love You Phillip Morris to make it to UK cinemas, partly because it’s a bit of a tough sell. It’s a film that moves from broad comedy to deeply felt drama, doesn’t shy away from the gay side of its story, and makes a hero out of a man who in most cases would be seen as the bad guy. However despite all these difficulties, the movie succeeds admirably. [Read more…]