After Role Models and Wanderlust, Actor Paul Rudd and writer/director David Wain are set to collaborate once again on the romantic comedy spoof, They Came Together, which also pulls in their Wet Hot American Summer cohort Amy Poehler, according to Variety.
The film is about Joel and Molly, two big city joes who fall in hate at first sight. He is a big time corporate manager who threatens to tear down her small knick-knack shop. Taking a page directly from You’ve Got Mail, the two begin an off-again, on-again romance that brings in all the classic staples of the rom-com genre.
Michael Showalter co-wrote the script with David Wain shortly after the duo finished work on Wet Hot American Summer back in 2001.
It was set to go into production around that time, but was shelved by Universal Pictures. Interest in the story arose again back in January, when Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler performed the screenplay live at the San Francisco Sketchfest. An actual set start date has not been announced, but the film will likely be ready for a 2013 release.