If you haven’t seen Passengers, you may be sad to hear it doesn’t feature Chris Pratt’s man bits. However, it might add a frisson to know that during his shower scene, he really was completely naked.
He wasn’t meant to completely nude though, but it seems things just don’t want to cover his part. He told USA Today, “There was one moment where I’m in the shower. It was the last scene we shot at the very end of a long week. I just remember I had this like dance belt on which is essentially glued or taped to the front to cover up that part. And the water was rolling down and it kept coming undone. And so I was like, ‘Just stop, forget it.’ And I did the whole scene. I was actually fully naked. And I knew everyone could see it. I didn’t care, I wanted to go home.
It was like, what was I going to do, dry me off, apply another thing and take another 10 minutes to do that? Or just shoot the scene. So, everyone saw…”
Oh, to be a fly on the set wall that day.
But while we may not get to see everything in the finished film, there is a nice butt shot, which you can take a look at a pic from below (via OMGblog). Passengers is in cinemas now. [Read more…]