It seems every actor at some point wants to turn director, and now it’s Scarlett Johansson’s turn. According to Variety, she’s set to make her directorial debut with Summer’s Crossing, an adaptation of Truman Capote’s novella.
Tristine Skyler hard at work adapting the book, which Capote wrote in the 1940s. The book was lost for more than 50 years before being discovered and published in 2006. The story centres on an 18-year-old girl who runs away from her wealthy, elitist family to discover her own path in life.
The Truman Capote Literary Trust’s Alan Schwartz is producing, so he must trust that Johansson can do the tale justice, despite her lack of experience. Perhaps he likes her 2009 short, These Vagabond Shoes, which she filmed for the anthology, New York I Love You, but ended up getting cut (officially because the producer of that film felt her movie would stick out as it was the only blakc and white one and the only one that didn’t feature an interpersonal relationship).
It isn’t known when production will begin on Summer’s Crossing.
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