Director: Mark Bessenger
Running Time: 110 mins
Certificate: 18
Release Date: February 23rd 2015 (UK), February 24th 2015 (US)

I have to say when I read the synopsis for The Last Straight Man I was a little concerned. It all seemed a tad gimmicky, with the kind of ambition that few low-budget, gay-themed movies can live up to. Thankfully though I was pleasantly surprised when I actually saw the movie.
There aren’t many gay films that open with a scene in which a female stripper is dancing for a bunch of guys – indeed you’d think it was anathema for this type of flick – but it’s Cooper’s (Scott Sell) bachelor party and so strippers are the order of the day. At the end of the evening Cooper is left with his best friend Lewis (Mark Cirillo), talking about their lives and loves – however Cooper doesn’t know Lewis is bisexual (on his way to accepting he’s gay), and when he admits that fact, Lewis is pleased that Cooper is surprised but not horrified. [Read more…]