Director: Hugh Hudson
Running Time: 123 mins
Certificate: PG
Release Date: July 16th 2012
God bless the 1920s, when everyone ran in slow motion to the strains of a synthesiser, and the Olympics was like a giant version of a school sports day. It’s 30 years since Chariots Of Fire was released and stormed to Best Picture Oscar glory, and it’s no surprise the film is getting a Blu-ray release shortly before the 2012 Olympics get underway.
Since it came out, there’s been much debate over whether it’s really a good movie or not, with some classing it as one of the most overrated films ever. That’s partly because many don’t understand how it won Best Picture (and to be honest, I’d be willing to bet it was of a split vote on the other contenders – Reds, Atlantic City, On Golden Pond and Raiders Of The Lost Ark. However it’s not a bad movie, it’s just not a great one. [Read more…]