Last month we reported that after years of trying to get it sorted a live action version of Akira had finally gotten the greenlight from Warner Bros. At the time it was reported that frontrunner for the main role of Kaneda was Garrett Hedlund. Now the TRON: Legacy star has accepted the part and THR says he’s in final negotiations for it.
It was also said last month that Gary Oldman and Helena Bonham Carter were offered the roles of Colonel and Lady Miyako, and while offers are still out to them, so far neither has signed on. Apparently Keira Knightley has also been apporached, although it isn’t certain how interested she is. If they all come onbaord, it’ll certainly be a big British contingent!
The film follows Kaneda, the leader of a motorcycle gang in futuristic New Manhattan. Kaneda tries to rescue his best friend, Tetsuo, from a government experiment. Jaume Collet-Serra is set to direct early in the new year, on a $90 million budget.
General movie news courtesy of Movie Muser
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