While acceptance of gay people is far from 100% in the UK, we have got to the point where anti-gay people almost seem silly and twee with their backwards attitudes. That’s not so in the US, where the culture wars are still raging to a massive extent, to the point where a group of anti-gay protesters decided to set up shop opposite the Golden Globe Awards yesterday, according to THR.
That didn’t impress most of those in attendance. Christopher Plummer, who won a Golden Globe for playing an elderly gay man in Beginners, told reporters “Gay characters are human beings. We’re all exactly the same. Gays are part of our society and have been since the Egyptians, the Greeks; it is part of the human condition. I know there’s an awful lot of anti-gay feeling right now, particularly at this moment, and I abhor it.”
Eric Stonestreet, star of TV’s Modern Family also had something to say to the protesters, commenting to them, “You’re an idiot. America is a great place, speech is free and you’re able to expose the fact that you’re an idiot.”
Fellow Modern Family actor Julie Bowen said backstage, “I come from a long line of straight, white Republicans who don’t like people like this,” she said, motioning to openly gay co-star Jesse Ferguson. “But even they like this show. In country clubs all across America, the doors are cracking open.”
Let’s hope that’s true.
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