Having known a lot of gay people all his life, Harry Potter (who for some reason now insists on being called Daniel Radcliffe) has always been pro-gay, and in the last few year has become one of the most vocal straight allies of the gay community, being active with various LGBT organisations that try to make an difference in the lives of lesbian & gay people.
He’s now made a Public Service Announcement for The Trevor Project, a crisis intervention and suicide prevention service for LGBT and questioning youth, which Radcliffe has supported for the last three years. The PSA debuted after an episode of Glee in the US, which focused on the attempted suicide of one of the characters who is dealing with their sexuality.
Radcliffe has said that working with The Trevor Project has taught him the importance of being a straight ally. “‘When we let someone know that we accept them for who they are and that we are safe to talk to, we can help save lives. It’s as simple as that,” he says.
Take a look at the 30 second PSA above.
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