It was always a bit odd that Mickey Rourke was keen to play out gay rugby player Gareth Thomas, not least because Rourke is 59 and Thomas is 37. However Mickey loved the story of the player who married, had kids, and managed to get to the top of the rugby game, all while struggling with his sexuality, eventually being one of the first national team sports players in the world to come out.
However while Rourke has been in training for the role, it now appears he’s been forced to pull out due to an injury he sustained while get ready to play the part. The film isn’t over though, as Thomas himself told the Sun On Sunday, “I was talking to Mickey and basically we’re now talking to other big-name actors who could play the part instead.
“We had talked about using computer-generated special effects with Mickey but we don’t think that will be as realistic, so it’s time to find someone new.”
There are rumours Tom Hardy may be in the running to play Thomas, although it isn’t clear whether this is just because he would seem to be the person who makes most sense for the part, or if he’s actually shown any interest. Personally there’s nothing we’d like to see more than Hardy getting sweaty on the pitch and then locking lips with another guy! It’s certainly more appealing than Mickey Rourke.
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