If you don’t support equal marriage, you hate our troops! Well, that’s not really what the new viral vid, Homecoming, is all about, even though it almost is. The Coalition For Equal Marriage short film, from director Mike Buonaiuto, tells the touching story of a British soldier’s homecoming to his partner, and was made to support marriage equality while the UK Coalition Government is holding its consultation on whether to open civil marriage up to same sex partnerships.
Buonaiuto says, “What do you do when the government says they are going to change the marriage laws in the UK? Those against the idea will of course go to any lengths to let David Cameron know how they feel, while many who support the idea sit back and do nothing, and why shouldn’t they? The government has made the commitment to change. However, I would argue that if enough support isn’t shown for the consultation then who knows what will happen.
“The apathy within the communities that support the equalization of civil marriage is the single driving factor for making the film and why hundreds of talented professionals have helped us for free. The film is there to make audiences feel something about the issue, because when people feel something they do something about it. They don’t sit back. They don’t do nothing. They share, they support and they take notice.”
One thing I have noticed in all the gay viral vids is how insanely cute all the guys in them are. Does this mean that even if they change the law, ugly gay people still won’t be allowed to marry? Perhaps next we need to make a viral vid about that!
Behind The Scenes
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