The long-gestating Ant-Man movie seemed to have been confirmed a few weeks ago when it was revealed director Edgar Wright had completed some test footage for the film. Now that teaser has screened at Comic-Con to a largely positive reaction, and Marvel has revealed the title treatment for the movie. There’s no news on when it might be released, although with Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Captain America 2 and Guardians Of The Galaxy already dated, Ant Man isn’t likely to arrive until the end of 2014 at the earliest (and Wright is making The World’s End first).
The footage isn’t online yet (and as it’s a rough proof of concept deal, it may not show up at all), but here’s a description for /Film: ‘The footage begins in a long, Matrix style hallway with two Matrix style agents. The camera moves down the hall, through a grate, and we see a tiny man standing behind the grate: Ant-Man. He jumps through and starts running at them. Of course, they don’t see him. He then pops up into real size, they start shooting, he gets small again, jumps, runs down the shaft of the gun, jumps up and punches the guy in the face, shaking the face in slow motion. With that guy done, Ant-Man gets big again, flips the other agent over….okay, honestly by this point I was kind of freaking out and it gets fuzzy. I do know that Ant-Man takes care of business, is about to jump through another grate when the elevator pings, and he gets on it.’
The tone is said to be different to other Marvel films, with the accent more on humour. That’s not surprising considering Wright co-wrote the script with Joe Cornish. It certainly sounds interesting and the character could certainly make for a fun, if slightly silly, film.
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