A story has been doing the round recently about Hong Kong billionaire Cecil Chao, who’s offered a hefty $65 million reward to any man who marries his daughter, even though she’s a lesbian who lives in France with her wife (and has even has the relationship blessed by a French church).
Sacha Baron Cohen thinks this is prime material for a comedy, as Variety reports he’s teamed up with Paramount to produce and potentially star in a movie about it, currently called The Lesbian.
One of the more interesting things about the tale is that Cecil Chao has never even married himself, so it’s not like he’s an avid believer in the institution, it appears he just doesn’t want his offspring to be gay. It’s also known that despite the massive dowry, his daughter remains on good terms with him. It is believed that Sacha Baron Cohen is looking to play the billionaire father, so it’s likely there’ll be some racial changes from real life to the movie.
The film is in the very early stages at the moment, as no screenwriter has yet been attached. It is of course not Cohen’s first brush with gay-themed films, as he starred as the flamboyantly homosexual Bruno in the movie of the same name.
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