One of the big things for the anti-gay brigade is that anything good for the gays will inevitably lead to homosexuality being taught in schools – and they believe that this is intrinsically a bad thing. This battle has now led to a teacher in Mexico being fired, due to the fact she showed her students Gus Van Sant’s movie, Milk.
Cecilia Hernández, a new civics teacher at Lomas Hill School in Cuajimalpa, was addressing sexual orientation and human rights, which is part of the curriculum. As part of this she showed the first half-hour of the 2008 movie to her 7th and 8th graders (those around 13-years-old). She had apparently included the film on her approved lesson plans and not had any objections.
The website even says it was the students who chose the film after being given several options, and that she told the, there may be some scenes that made them uncomfortable. A day after Hernández showed the first part of the film to the kids, two security guards are said to have taken her to the principal’s office and she was told she was fired.
An e-mail from the head of the school, Annette Muench de Labardini, says, ‘The lack of tact and the disrespect you have shown students today is unforgivable. I consider it disrespect towards myself as well, since your lesson plan did not say you were showing this filth.’
Hernandez has since said she does not want her job back, but has made an official complaint over her treatment.
Milk tells the story of gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be voted into public office in the US, who was tragically murdered in 1978. The movie won two Oscars (Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay) and was nominated for six more.
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